PenAIR Help File.    
Customer Receipt

Customer Receipt


Customer receipt can be done in 2 ways in Penair.


1.      From the folder itself.


2.      Receipt module in Customer Master.


Customer Receipt through Folder


 To take the receipt from Folder, Click on the Receipts option.



Ø      Select the Mode of the Payment from the list (Cash, Bank etc.)

Ø      Enter the details of the Payment. Date of receipt, Amount etc.

Ø      Clicking on Post will allocate the receipt to the folder.


Note: The receipt detail need to be entered according to the method of payment. Bank details, Card details for PDQ Payment etc.


Customer Receipt through Customer Master:


Advance or Bulk payment from Customer can be done through the Customer Master.


Path: Customer > Customer Receipt




Ø      Selecting the customer and click on Generate to Get the Pending Invoice list.

Note: Show Saved option must be ticked to get the invoices for folders in saved status.


Ø      Enter the amount receipting for each invoice in the TC Receipt Field. 


Ø      Enter the Total amount in the TC Amount filed and click on Post. This will allocate the receipt to each invoice/Folder as entered.


Note: Receipt without allocating to an invoice will be available as a credit for the customer.



Unknown receipt to bank account:


In some cases customer may deposit money to the bank account without any reference, Accountant may not know to which account this need to be allocated at the time of bank data entry.


This module will help to account for the receipt and allocate this receipt to proper account at a later stage.


For this a customer need to be created for the unknown receipt and later on allocate this payment to the right customer through the customer allocation module.


Module ID.

Customer Receipt :



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